HTTP status code summary

200 - OKEverything worked ๐Ÿ‘Œ
400 - Bad RequestThe request contains invalid information and shouldn't be repeated
401 - UnauthorizedYour API Key is invalid or you're not sending it the way we expect it ๐Ÿ‘ฎ
402 - Payment RequiredYou must pay to keep using the service
403 - ForbiddenThe request is valid, but you don't have the permission to make it ๐Ÿ‘ฎ
404 - Not FoundResource not found. Take a look at the URL you're querying
429 - Too Many RequestsYou have exceeded the amount of requests per second you can do (5 req/s)
500 - Internal Server ErrorOur servers stumbled upon a problem and we are running in circles working non-stop to solve it
503 - Service UnavailableThe financial institution may be out of service