    "id": "inv_nMNejK7BT8oGbvO4",
    "object": "invoice",
    "number": "135",
    "institution_id": "cl_fiscal_sii",
    "issuer": {
        "id": "117056856",
        "name": "Hooli SpA",
        "institution_tax_payer": null
    "receiver": null,
    "issue_type": "received",
    "date": "2021-06-25T04:00:00.000Z",
    "total_amount": 12123,
    "net_amount": 12000,
    "currency": "CLP",
    "tax_period": "06/2021",
    "institution_invoice": {
        "received_at": "2021-06-25T19:27:04.000Z",
        "accepted_at": null,
        "confirmation_status": null,
        "exempt_amount": 0,
        "document_type": 34,
        "total_documents": null,
        "vat_amount": 123,
        "fixed_assets_net_amount": null,
        "fixed_assets_vat_amount": null,
        "non_refundable_vat_amount": null,
        "non_refundable_vat_code": null,
        "non_credit_tax_amount": null,
        "total_vat_withheld": 0,
        "partial_vat_withheld": 0,
        "non_withheld_vat": 0,
        "own_vat": 0,
        "third_party_vat": 0,
        "common_use_vat": null,
        "out_of_time_vat": 0,
        "reference_type_code": null,
        "reference_number": null,
        "construction_company_credit": 0,
        "free_zone_tax": 0,
        "container_deposit_guarantee": 0,
        "domestic_ticket_sales": 0,
        "international_ticket_sales": 0,
        "receipt_reference_number": null,
        "settlement_issuer_id": null,
        "vat_commisions": null,
        "net_commissions": 0,
        "exempt_commissions": 0,
        "has_note": false,
        "is_services_invoice": false,
        "services_invoice": null,
        "transaction_category": "Del Giro",
        "invoice_status": 'registered',
        "other_taxes": {
            "total_amount": 400,
            "other_taxes_detail": [
                    "tax_code": 14,
                    "tax_rate": "19",
                    "tax_amount": 400
        "tobacco": {
            "cigars": 0,
            "cigarettes": 0,
            "processed_tobacco": 0
idstringUnique identifier for the Invoice
objectstringIdentifier for the type of object. Its value for Invoices will always correspond to invoice
numberstringFor cl_fiscal_sii, it corresponds to the invoice folio.
institution_idstringFiscal authority's id. You can read more about the available institutions here
issuerobjectIf the Invoice corresponds to a buy, this field indicates who issued the Invoice. Otherwise, this field is null. See the Taxpayer object to learn more.
For documents that come in summary this field is null (codes 35, 38, 39, 41, 47 and 48)
receiverobjectIf the Invoice corresponds to a sell, this field indicates who received the Invoice. Otherwise, this field is null. See the Taxpayer object to learn more.
For documents that come in summary this field is null (codes 35, 38, 39, 41, 47 and 48)
issue_typestringIndicates whether the document was issued or received by the account's owner. Its possible values are issued or received
datestringDate of the document, using ISO 8601. For documents with code 39 and 41, corresponds to the last day of the tax period to which they correspond
total_amountintegerTotal amount of the document represented as an integer.
net_amountintegerNet amount of the document represented as an integer.
currencystringCurrency ISO code
tax_periodstringTax period, with the format mm/yyyy
institution_invoiceobjectInvoiceSII object

Taxpayer Object

idstringThe document issuer/receptor's RUT (for the SII)
namestringThe document issuer/receptor's name
institution_tax_payerobjectThe document issuer/receptor's fiscal data. Can be null

Servicio Impuestos Internos (Chile)

If the fiscal authority is Servicio de Impuestos Internos (cl_fiscal_sii), theinstitution_invoice fields corresponds to the following objects:

InvoiceSII Object

received_atstringDocument's reception date, using ISO 8601. Can be null
accepted_atstringDocument's acceptance date, using ISO 8601. Can be null
confirmation_statusstringDocument's confirmation status. Can be one of the following values:
P = Cash payment method
A = Not claimed in term
C = Receipt granted by the recipient
R = Receipt claimed by the recipient
G = Acknowledgment of receipt for office guides of the previous month
document_typeintegerCode for the type of document. Its value is null if the document corresponds to a receipt for professional fees. Read the codes for the SII document types in the table below for more information
total_documentsintegerNumber of grouped documents. This field is valid for the documents that come in summary (codes 35, 38, 39, 41, 47 and 48). For every other document, corresponds to null
exempt_amountintegerTax exempt amount represented as an integer.
vat_amountintegerVAT-refundable amount represented as an integer.
fixed_assets_net_amountintegerFixed assets net amount represented as an integer.
fixed_assets_vat_amountintegerFixed assets VAT-refundable amount represented as an integer.
non_refundable_vat_amountintegerFixed assets non VAT-refundable amount represented as an integer.
non_refundable_vat_codeintegerNon VAT-refundable code
non_credit_tax_amountintegerTaxes without right to credit represented as an integer.
total_vat_withheldintegerTotal VAT withheld
partial_vat_withheldintegerPartial VAT withheld
non_withheld_vatintegerNon withheld VAT
own_vatintegerOwn VAT
third_party_vatintegerThird party VAT
common_use_vatintegerCommon use VAT
out_of_time_vatintegerOut of time VAT
reference_type_codeintegerCode for the type of the reference document
reference_numberstringFolio number for the reference document
construction_company_creditintegerConstruction company credit
free_zone_taxintegerFree zone tax (Chilean Law 18211)
container_deposit_guaranteeintegerContainer deposit guarantee
domestic_ticket_salesintegerDomestic ticket sales
international_ticket_salesintegerInternational ticket sales
receipt_reference_numberintegerInternal number: receipt reference number
settlement_issuer_idstringSettlement issuer RUT
net_commissionsintegerNet value for the commissions
vat_commissionsintegerValue of the VAT for the commissions
exempt_commissionsintegerValue exempt from commissions
has_notebooleanIndicates whether the document has a credit or debit note associated
is_services_invoicebooleanIndicates whether the document corresponds to a receipt for professional fees
services_invoiceobjectContains specific information about the receipts for professional fees. Its value is null when the document doesn't correspond to a receipt for professional fees
transaction_categorystringIndicates the clasification of the transaction category. Its values are the following:

- Money order
- Supermarket
- Real estate
- Fixed asset
- Common use VAT
- Non-refundable VAT
- Do not include
invoice_statusstringIndicates whether the invoice was obtained from the REGISTRO, PENDIENTES, RECLAMADOS or NO INCLUIR tab.
Its values are the following:
- registered
- pending
- rejected
- cancelled
other_taxesobjectOther taxes breakdown. See the Other Taxes table below to learn more
tobaccoobjectTobacco taxes breakdown. See the Tobacco Taxes table below to learn more

OtherTaxes Object

total_amountintegerTotal amount of other taxes represented as an integer.
other_taxes_detailsarrayArray of objects with tax_amount, tax_code and tax_rate

TobaccoTaxes Object

cigarsintegerPure tobacco cigars
cigarettesintegerTobacco cigarettes
processed_tobaccointegerProcessed tobacco

ServicesInvoice Object

issuer_withheld_amountintegerCorresponds to the withheld amount in case the issuer taxpayer handles the provisional payment of the taxes
receiver_withheld_amountintegerCorresponds to the withheld amount in case the recipient taxpayer handles the provisional payment of the taxes
is_professional_societybooleanIndicates whether the issuer taxpayer corresponds to a society of professionals or not
is_third_partybooleanIndicates whether the invoice was generated for a third party or not
issued_atdatetimeCorresponds to the date in which the document was issued on the official SII website
statusstringCorresponds to the invoice. Its possible values are:

- VIG: Valid
- ANUL: Annulled
- ObR: Observed
- VCA: Valid with annulment request

Codes for SII document types

The document_type attribute corresponds to one of the codes that the SII determines within the guide named "Formato Documentos Tributarios Electrónicos". The most used ones are:

Document TypeDescription
32Sales and services invoice exempt from VAT
33Electronic invoice
34Electronic invoice exempt from VAT
38Exempt ballot
39Electronic ballot
40Invoice settlement
41Electronic exempt ballot
43Electronic invoice settlement
45Purchase invoice
46Electronic purchase invoice
47Total of the month special electronic voucher
48Electronic payment
50Office guide
52Electronic office guide
55Debit note
56Electronic debit note
60Credit note
61Electronic credit note
110Electronic export invoice
111Electronic export debit note
112Electronic export credit note