Transfer Object

  "id": "tr_jKaHD105H",
  "object": "transfer",
  "amount": 2864,
  "currency": "mxn",
  "created_at": "2020-04-22T21:10:19.254Z",
  "post_date": "2020-04-17T00:00:00.000Z",
  "transaction_date": "2020-04-17T05:12:41.462Z",
  "comment": "Pago de gas",
  "reference_id": "130824",
  "receipt_url": "",
  "tracking_key": "s2123423423324334",
  "status": "accepted",
  "type": "inbound",
  "mode": "test",
  "account_number": {
    "id": "acno_Kasf91034gj1AD",
    "object": "account_number",
    "account_number": "738969123456789120",
    "created_at": "2024-03-01T20:09:42.949787176Z",
    "mode": "test",
    "metadata": {
      "id_cliente": "12343212"
  "counterparty": {
    "holder_id": "OODC911119JL3",
    "holder_name": "Carmen Marcela",
    "account_number": "012969123456789120",
    "type": "clabe",
    "type_code": "40",
    "institution": {
      "id": "40012",
      "name": "BBVA Mexico",
      "country": "mx"

Transfer Object

idstringUnique identifier for the transfer.
objectstringThe type of the object, which is always transfer.
amountintegerThe amount of the transfer in the smallest currency unit (e.g. centavos for MXN).
currencystringCurrency of the transfer (in ISO 4217 format, e.g., MXN).
created_atstringTimestamp when the transfer object was created (in ISO 8601 format).
post_datestringThe date the transfer was posted (YYYY-MM-DD format).
transaction_datestringThe actual date when the transfer was initiated (YYYY-MM-DD format).
reference_idstringA unique reference ID for the transfer, used for reconciliation purposes.
commentstringA comment or reference provided by the sender for the transfer.
receipt_urlstringA URL to the receipt of the transfer, if available.
tracking_keystringThe unique tracking key for the transaction provided by the banking system.
statusstringThe status of the transfer. It can be accepted or rejected for inbound transfers; pending, succeeded or failed for outbound transfers.
typestringWhether the transfer was inbound or outbound.
modestringMode of the API (test or live).
account_numberobjectThe AccountNumber object associated with this transfer. See below for details on this object.
counterpartyobjectInformation about the Counterparty (sender if inbound, receiver if outbound) of the transfer. See details below.

AccountNumber Object (within Transfer Object)

idstringUnique identifier for the account number.
objectstringThe type of the object, which is always account_number.
account_numberstringThe account number (for Mexico: CLABE) of the sender.
created_atstringTimestamp when the account number was created (in ISO 8601 format).
modestringMode of the API (test or live).
metadataobjectOptional key-value pairs associated with this account number.

Counterparty Object (within Transfer Object)

holder_idstringThe unique ID of the third party of the transaction (counterparty).
holder_namestringThe name of the third party of the transaction (counterparty).
account_numberstringThe account number (in Mexico: CLABE) of the third party of the transaction (counterparty).
typestringThe type of the counterparty account. Options for Mexico: clabe. Options for Chile: checking, sight.
institutionobjectThe institution object containing details about the sender's financial institution.

Institution Object (within Counterparty)

idstringUnique identifier for the institution.
namestringThe name of the financial institution.
countrystringThe country where the financial institution is located (in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format, e.g., mx for Mexico).