Payment Intent Object

{ "id": "pi_BO381oEATXonG6bj", "object": "payment_intent", "amount": 1000, "currency": "CLP", "widget_token": "pi_BO381oEATXonG6bj_sec_a4xK32BanKWYn", "status": "created", "reference_id": "90123712", "transaction_date": "2021-10-15T15:24:15.474Z", "metadata": {}, "error_reason": null, "mode": "live", "customer_email": "", "recipient_account": { "holder_id": "183917137", "number": "123456", "type": "checking_account", "institution_id": "cl_banco_de_chile" }, "sender_account": { "holder_id": "192769065", "number": "123456", "type": "checking_account", "institution_id": "cl_banco_estado" }, "created_at": "2021-10-15T15:23:11.474Z", "business_profile": { "name": "Merchant Name", "category": "011210", "tax_id": "774981120" } }
idstringUnique identifier for the Payment Intent
objectstringIdentifier for the type of object. Its value for Payment Intents will always correspond to payment_intent
amountintegerAmount to pay, represented as an integer. This value must always be greater than 0
currencystringCurrency ISO code. For now, we only support CLP and MXN.
widget_tokenstringTemporary token to configure the widget. This attribute is only returned when creating the Payment Intent. After that, it will always be null
statusstringPayment status. Can be either created, in_progress, succeeded, failed, pending, expired or rejected
recipient_accountobjectObject that points to the recipient account. Take a look at the Recipient Acccount object table below to learn more. If you use Fintoc Collects for payments, omit this object during payment creation for better stability.
sender_accountobjectObject that points to the sender account. Take a look at the Sender Acccount object table below to learn more.

When you receive final payment status notifications, sender_account may be null if the user abandoned the payment before specifying a sender account.
reference_idstringOperation number from the bank of the sender account.

When you receive final payment status notifications, reference_id may be null if a payment takes longer than usual to be confirmed by the bank or if the user abandoned the payment before returning an operation number.
transaction_datestringDate of authorization for the transaction given by the bank, using ISO 8601

When you receive final payment status notifications, transaction_date may be null.
metadatahashSet of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.

If you create a payment without providing metadata, this field will be null when receiving notifications about the final status.
error_reasonstringError code explaining reason for payment intent failure if available. See Payment Intent Error Reason for a list of error reasons.
modestringIndicates whether the Payment Intent is in live mode or in test mode.
created_atstringPayment Intent's creation date, using ISO 8601
customer_emailstringA customer email linked to a Payment Intent. This is used to notify a user in case of a refund. If you plan on using the refunds product, you must include this field in your request

If you create a payment without providing a customer_email, this field will be null in the response and no emails will be sent for that Payment Intent.
business_profilehashOptional array to identify multiple enrolled merchants for category-based pricing.

Recipient Object and Sender Object

holder_idstringIdentifier of the owner of the account. In Chile, it corresponds to a RUT and in Mexico it's either an RFC or CURP.
numberstringAccount number. Does not include hyphens or prefixed zeros
typestringAccount type. It can be checking_account or sight_account
institution_idstringAccount's institution id. You can learn more about institutions and their ids here

Business Profile Object

namestringEnrolled merchant´s name. If set, will be shown as the "Recipient" on the succeeded payment screen.
categorystringIdentifier of the category of the sub-merchant. In Chile, it corresponds to a 6 character SII activity code.
tax_idstringEnrolled merchant's tax identifier. In Chile, it corresponds to a RUT.