
Currency representation as an integer

The Fintoc API returns every amount of a currency in its smallest possible unit, with no decimals (as an integer).

In the case of the Chilean peso, the smallest possible unit is a peso, so an amount of 1000 CLP gets represented by Fintoc as the integer 1000.

In the case of the American dollar, the smallest possible unit is a dollar cent, so an amount of 10,50 USD gets represented by Fintoc as the integer 1050.

Below, you can see examples of accounts using CLP and USD respectively. The CLP account has an amount of 150980 CLP available, and the USD account has an amount of 159,50 USD available.

    "id": "acc_nMNejK7BT8oGbvO4",
    "name": "Cuenta Corriente USD",
    "official_name": "Cuenta Corriente Moneda Dolar",
    "number": "9530516286",
    "holder_id": "134910798",
    "holder_name": "Lannister SpA",
    "type": "checking_account",
    "currency": "CLP",
    "balance": {
        "available": 150980,
        "current": 150980,
        "limit": 150980
    "id": "acc_nMNejK7BT8oGbvO4",
    "name": "Cuenta Corriente USD",
    "official_name": "Cuenta Corriente Moneda Dolar",
    "number": "9530516286",
    "holder_id": "134910798",
    "holder_name": "Lannister SpA",
    "type": "checking_account",
    "currency": "USD",
    "balance": {
        "available": 15950,
        "current": 15950,
        "limit": 15950

For now, Fintoc only supports accounts with the following currencies: CLP, USD and EUR. Below, you can se examples of each currency and its representation:

CurrencyAmountFintoc representation of the amount
CLP1000 CLP1000
MXN10.29 MXN1029
USD10.50 USD1050
EUR10.00 EUR1000