Direct Transfer

Accept payments sent by a direct transfer from your user.


Using Direct Transfer your users can pay by manually transferring funds to a bank account. Once the transfer is complete, Fintoc automatically detects and validates the payment.

This method allows you to receive payments from banks, prepaid accounts and wallets in Chile, and from institutions participating in SPEI in Mexico. From both Individual and Business account types.

Direct Transfers is only available when Fintoc collects your payments.

Available Sender Banks in Chile

Users can complete Direct Transfers from the following institutions:

Bank NameFintoc Bank ID
Banco BCIcl_banco_bci
Banco BICEcl_banco_bice
Banco de Chile - Edwards - Citicl_banco_de_chile
Banco Falabellacl_banco_falabella
Banco Itaúcl_banco_itau
Banco Ripleycl_banco_ripley
Banco Santandercl_banco_santander
Banco Consorciocl_banco_consorcio
Mercado Pagocl_mercado_pago
Banco Internacionalcl_banco_internacional
Banco Securitycl_banco_security
Coopeuch - Dalecl_banco_coopeuch
Copec Paycl_copec_pay
Prepago Los Heroescl_prepago_los_heroes


Q: What happens if the user transfers a different amount?
A: Fintoc will inform the transfer will be refunded and will ask the user to redo it with the correct amount.