Get your Fintoc account's Secret Key and Public Key



Your Secret Key should never be sent to the frontend. Fintoc endpoints should be accessed through a backend, so that your Secret Key never comes in direct contact with the client.

To be able to use the Fintoc API, you need to have your Secret Key at hand. To instantiate the Fintoc widget, you need to have your Public Key at hand. If you need to retrieve any of these API Keys, head over to the dashboard.

Once in the dashboard, click on the button to go to your API Keys page:

Notice that, by default, you are seeing the Live mode. You can also see the Test mode by using the mode button:

If you are using the testing environment, you should use the API keys shown in the Test mode. Otherwise, you should use the API shown in the Live mode.

You can see your API keys by pressing the little eye button beside them:


The eye button beside an API key reveals it

Notice that some of the API keys start with sk_ and others start with pk_. The API keys that start with sk_ are the Secret Keys, and the API keys that start with pk_ are the Public Keys.

Once you've decided which API key you need (live or test, secret or public), just go ahead and copy the API key using the "copy" buttons: