Payment Links

Accept payments easily without code.

With Payment Links you can accept payments without building a website or application. Create a Payment Link using our API and share it with your customers through email or Whatsapp.


Payment Links are currently only available for Fintoc Collect clients

Create a Payment Link

Using your Secret Key, create a payment link from your backend with the amount and currency:

curl --request POST "" \
--header 'Authorization: sk_test_0000000000000000' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "amount": 24750,
  "currency": "MXN",
  "expires_after_seconds": 3600
  "customer_email": "",
  "checkout": {
    "description": "Use this field to add a custom description of the product the customer is buying"
  "metadata": {
    "your_order_id": "10000",


Currencies represented as integers

The Fintoc API represents currencies in its smallest possible units with no decimals (as an integer). That means that an amount of MXN 247.50 gets represented by Fintoc as 24750. You can read more about currencies here.

The parameters customer_email, checkout and metadata are optional. Some of the optional parameters you can use to create your payment link are:

Optional parametersTypeDescription
customer_emailstringIf a customer email is set, Fintoc will send the customer an email in case of a refund.
checkoutdictionaryCustomize the checkout for your customers. For now, you can only add a custom description alongside the buy button.
metadatahashSet of key-value pairs that you can attach to the payment link. This can be useful for storing additional information that you can use to reconcile the payment with your internal systems.
expire_after_secondsintegerThe number of seconds after which the payment link will expire. By default, a payment link will not expire.

For a complete list of parameters, check the Payment Link API.

Share your Payment Link

Each payment link contains a url that you can share with your customers through email, Whatsapp, or through other channels.

  "id": "plink_K2zwNNSxPyx8w3GZ",
  "object": "payment_link",
  "amount": 120900,
  "currency": "MXN",
  "status": "active",
  "created_at": "2024-08-02T20:28:13Z",
  "expires_at": "2024-08-02T21:28:13Z",
  "mode": "test",
  "url": "",
  "customer_email": "",
  "checkout": {
    "description": "Use this field to add a custom description of the product the customer is buying"
  "metadata": {
    "your_order_id": "10000"

Track payments

When customers use a payment link to complete a payment, Fintoc sends a payment_intent.succeededwebhook that you can use for fulfillment and reconciliation. This webhook will contain the metadata keys you used to create the payment link.

For more information, see our guide on how to complete the payment on your backend. In the case of payment links, we recommend you to only listen for payment_intent.succeeded events.

You can also see successful payments using our Dashboard.

Cancel a Payment Link

You can cancel a payment link using the cancel endpoint:

curl --request PATCH \
     --url \
     --header 'Authorization: sk_test_9c8d8CeyBTx1VcJzuDgpm4H' \
     --header 'accept: application/json

After you cancel a payment link, customers can’t finalize purchases using the link anymore and are redirected to an expiration page.