Permission Roles

Fintoc's Dashboard contains sensitive information and allows your organization to perform money-related operations.That is why we have created a granular permission system that allows the organization's administrators to select exactly what information and to which actions a specific user has access to.

Fintoc’s permissions system provides fine-grained control over user actions in your organization’s dashboard. Here’s how it works:

Each resource has associated actions, such as viewing, editing, or authorizing changes. Permissions are defined based on the resource the user is accesing or acting upon, which represent specific areas or features within the dashboard (e.g., API Keys, Payments, Transfers).

Access Levels
Permissions are organized by access levels, which determine what a user can do within a resource:

  • View: Read-only access to information.
  • Manage: Ability to make changes or perform operations.
  • Authorize: Capability to approve critical actions (e.g., transfers).

Role-Based Management
Roles are predefined bundles of permissions designed to match common organizational needs. For example, the Operations role can trigger refunds and see payment-related information to perform their daily tasks.

Users can be assigned roles, which streamline permission management while maintaining flexibility for modifications.

The Administrator role can perform every action in the Dashboard, including Team Management. This role cannot be granted through the Dashboard. If you need to assign Administrator privileges to a user, please contact us through your Sales or Customer Success representative, or through the Chat.

You can see all available permissions in the table below:

ActionRelated ResourceRequired Access LevelRoles in which the permission is included
Access the API Keys section in the DashboardAPI KeysViewDeveloper
Activate an API KeyAPI KeysManageDeveloper
View an API KeyAPI KeysManageDeveloper
Roll the secret API KeyAPI KeysManageDeveloper
Access the JWS Public Keys section in the DashboardJWS Public KeyViewAdmin Only
Create a new JWS Public KeyJWS Public KeyManageAdmin Only
Access the IP Restriction section in the DashboardCIDR BlocksViewAdmin Only
Create a new Allowed CIDR BlockCIDR BlocksManageAdmin Only
Delete an Allowed CIDR BlockCIDR BlocksManageAdmin Only
Toggle IP RestrictionCIDR BlocksManageAdmin Only
Access the Webhooks section in the DashboardWebhooksViewProduct, Developer
Create a new Webhook EndpointWebhooksManageDeveloper
View the Webhook Secret associated to an EndpointWebhooksViewDeveloper
Send a test WebhookWebhooksManageProduct, Developer
Delete a Webhook EndpointWebhooksManageDeveloper
Edit a Webhook EndpointWebhooksManageDeveloper
Access the Links section in the DashboardLinksViewOperations, Finance and Accounting, Support, Product, Developer
Activate, deactivate and edit a LinkLinksManageOperations
Delete a LinkLinksManageOperations
Access the Subscriptions section in the DashboardSubscriptionsViewOperations, Finance and Accounting, Support, Product, Developer
Access the Charges section in the DashboardChargesViewOperations, Finance and Accounting, Support, Product, Developer
View and export payout related informationPayoutsViewOperations, Finance and Accounting, Support, Product, Developer
View and export payment related informationPayment IntentsViewOperations, Finance and Accounting, Support, Product, Developer
Refund a PaymentRefundsManageOperations, Support
Cancel a RefundRefundsManageOperations, Support
Access the Organization's Settings in the DashboardOrganizationViewOperations, Finance and Accounting, Support, Product, Developer
Change the name your customers see in Fintoc's WidgetOrganizationManageAdmin Only
Edit the Organization's communication preferencesOrganizationManageAdmin Only
Access the Team section in the DashboardUsersViewOperations, Finance and Accounting, Support, Product, Developer
Invite a new user to the OrganizationUsersManageAdmin Only
Change the Organization's users permission levelsUsersManageAdmin Only
Delete a user from the OrganizationUsersManageAdmin Only