Permission Roles

As your dashboard will hold sensitive information we have devised 3 roles in order to give you better control.

In general terms:

Viewer: Can view most pages except API Keys. Cannot edit any setting.

Editor: Can view all pages. Can edit all settings in Test mode. Limited edition permissions in Live Mode.

Admin: Can view all pages. Can edit all local and organization-level settings. Can invite and remove team members.

For more detailed permissions please see the table below:

Sign upIndifferentβœ…βœ…βœ…
Log inIndifferentβœ…βœ…βœ…
See API Keys pageLiveβœ…βœ…
See API Keys pageTestβœ…βœ…
Copy API KeysLiveβœ…
Copy API KeysTestβœ…βœ…
Activate API KeyLiveβœ…
Delete API KeyLiveβœ…
See Webhooks pageLiveβœ…βœ…βœ…
See Webhooks pageTestβœ…βœ…βœ…
Create a Webhook EndpointLiveβœ…
Create a Webhook EndpointTestβœ…βœ…
Reveal Webhook Endpoint SecretLiveβœ…
Reveal Webhook Endpoint SecretTestβœ…βœ…
Send Test Webhook EndpointTestβœ…βœ…βœ…
Activate/Deactivate a Webhook EndpointLiveβœ…
Activate/Deactivate a Webhook EndpointTestβœ…βœ…
Remove a Webhook EndpointLiveβœ…
Remove a Webhook EndpointTestβœ…βœ…
See Links pageLiveβœ…βœ…βœ…
See Links pageTestβœ…βœ…βœ…
Create a LinkLiveβœ…βœ…
Create a LinkTestβœ…βœ…
Filter LinkLiveβœ…βœ…βœ…
Filter LinkTestβœ…βœ…βœ…
Activate/Deactivate LinkLiveβœ…βœ…
Activate/Deactivate LinkTestβœ…βœ…
Remove a LinkLiveβœ…βœ…
Remove a LinkTestβœ…βœ…
View Payment Intents pageLiveβœ…βœ…βœ…
View Payment Intents pageTestβœ…βœ…βœ…
Filter Payment IntentsLiveβœ…βœ…βœ…
Filter Payment IntentsTestβœ…βœ…βœ…
Export a list of Payment IntentsLiveβœ…βœ…βœ…
Export a list of Payment IntentsTestβœ…βœ…βœ…
View Organization Settings pageIndifferentβœ…βœ…βœ…
Request change for Org NameIndifferentβœ…
Request change for Org RUT/RFCIndifferentβœ…
Edit billing and technical emailsIndifferentβœ…
Change API Default CountryIndifferentβœ…
Contact sales to upgrade planIndifferentβœ…βœ…
View Team membersIndifferentβœ…βœ…βœ…
Invite Team membersIndifferentβœ…
Edit the roles of Team membersIndifferentβœ…
Delete a Team memberIndifferentβœ…
View My Profile Settings pageIndifferentβœ…βœ…βœ…
Change your Dashboard language (locally)Indifferentβœ…βœ…βœ